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Fujiwara MT, Hashimoto H, Kazama Y, Hirano T, Yoshioka Y, Aoki S, Sato N, Itoh RD, Abe T (2010) Dynamic morphologies of pollen plastids visualised by vegetative-specific FtsZ1-GFP in Arabidopsis thaliana. Protoplasma 242: 19-33
Itoh RD, Fujiwara MT (2010) Regulation of leucoplast morphology in roots: interorganellar signaling from mitochondria? Plant Signal Behav 5: 856-859
Fujiwara MT, Yoshioka Y, Hirano T, Kazama Y, Abe T, Hayashi K, Itoh RD (2012) Visualization of plastid movement in the pollen tube of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signal Behav 7: 34-37
Hara T, Kobayashi E, Ohtsubo K, Kumada S, Kanazawa M, Abe T, Itoh RD, Fujiwara MT (2015) Organ-level analysis of idioblast patterning in Egeria densa Planch. leaves. PLOS ONE 10: e0118965
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Fujiwara MT, Kojo KH, Kazama Y, Sasaki S, Abe T, Itoh RD (2015) The Arabidopsis minE mutation causes new plastid and FtsZ1 localization phenotypes in the leaf epidermis. Front Plant Sci 6: 823. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00823
Morita R, Nakagawa M, Takehisa H, Hayashi Y, Ichida H, Usuda S, Ichinose K, Abe H, Shirakawa Y, Sato T, Fujiwara M, Itoh R, Abe T (2017) Analysis of a temperature sensitive virescent mutant of rice induced by heavy-ion beam. RIKEN Accel Prog Rep 50: 272
Morita R, Nakagawa M, Takehisa H, Hayashi Y, Ichida H, Usuda S, Ichinose K, Abe H, Shirakawa Y, Sato T, Fujiwara MT, Itoh RD, Abe T (2017) Heavy-ion beam mutagenesis identified an essential gene for chloroplast development under cold stress conditions during both early growth and tillering stages in rice. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 81: 271-282. doi: 10.1080/09168451.2016.1249452
Fujiwara MT, Yasuzawa M, Sasaki S, Nakano T, Niwa Y, Yoshida S, Abe T, Itoh RD (2017) The Arabidopsis minD mutation causes aberrant FtsZ1 ring placement and moderate heterogeneity of chloroplasts in the leaf epidermis. Plant Signal Behav 12: e1343776. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2017.1343776
Itoh RD, Ishikawa H, Nakajima KP, Moriyama S, Fujiwara MT (2018) Isolation and analysis of a stromule-overproducing Arabidopsis mutant suggest the role of PARC6 in plastid morphology maintenance in the leaf epidermis. Physiol Plant 162: 479–494. doi: 10.1111/ppl.12648
Fujiwara MT, Yasuzawa M, Kojo KH, Niwa Y, Abe T, Yoshida S, Nakano T, Itoh RD (2018) The Arabidopsis arc5 and arc6 mutations differentially affect plastid morphology in pavement and guard cells in the leaf epidermis. PLOS ONE 13: e0192380
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Ishikawa H, Yasuzawa M, Koike N, Sanjaya A, Moriyama S, Nishizawa A, Matsuoka K, Sasaki S, Kazama Y, Hayashi Y, Abe T, Fujiwara MT, Itoh RD (2020) Arabidopsis PARC6 is critical for plastid morphogenesis in pavement, trichome, and guard cells in leaf epidermis. Front Plant Sci 10: 1665. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01665
Itoh RD, Nakajima KP, Sasaki S, Ishikawa H, Kazama Y, Abe T, Fujiwara MT (2021) TGD5 is required for normal morphogenesis of non-mesophyll plastids, but not mesophyll chloroplasts, in Arabidopsis. Plant J 107: 237–255. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15287
Sanjaya A, Muramatsu R, Sato S, Suzuki M, Sasaki S, Ishikawa H, Itoh RD, Kanamaru K, Ohbu S, Abe T, Kazama Y, Fujiwara MT (2021) Arabidopsis EGY1 is critical for chloroplast development in leaf epidermal guard cells. Plants 10: 1254. doi: 10.3390/plants10061254
Sanjaya A, Muramatsu R, Sato S, Suzuki M, Sasaki S, Ishikawa H, Fujii Y, Asano M, Itoh R, Kanamaru K, Ohbu S, Abe T, Kazama Y, Fujiwara M (2022) Argon-ion-induced mutations in Arabidopsis EGY1 gene affect chloroplast development in leaf guard cells. RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report 55: S30
Yamagishi A, Egoshi Y, Fujiwara MT, Suzuki N, Taniguchi T, Itoh RD, Suzuki Y, Masuyama Y, Monde K, Usuki T (2023) Total synthesis, absolute configuration, and phytotoxic activity of foeniculoxin. Chem Eur J 29: e202203396. doi: 10.1002/chem.202203396
Matsuoka K, Kubotera H, Miyazaki R, Moriyama S, Fujiwara MT, Itoh RD (2024) The tgd5 mutation affects plastid structure and causes giant lipid droplet formation in trichomes of Arabidopsis. Int J Plant Biol 15: 46–53. doi: 10.3390/ijpb15010004 NEW
Fujiwara MT, Yoshioka Y, Kazama Y, Hirano T, Niwa Y, Moriyama T, Sato N, Abe T, Yoshida S, Itoh RD (2024) Principles of amyloplast replication in the ovule integuments of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol 196: 137–152. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiae314 NEW
その他 16 編,計 53 編
伊藤 竜一 (1998) ミトコンドリアはどうやって増えるのか? 遺伝 52: 20–26
黒岩 常祥,伊藤 竜一 (1998) ミトコンドリアの構造と機能 ― 太古の細菌から ―.小児内科 30: 1109–1112.
Kuroiwa T, Kuroiwa H, Sakai A, Takahashi H, Toda K, Itoh R (1998) The division apparatus of plastids and mitochondria. Int Rev Cytol 181: 1–41.
Itoh R, Kuroiwa T (1999) Mechanism and evolution of organelle division. In: Seckbach J (ed) Enigmatic Microorganisms and Life in Extreme Environments, pp. 447-463. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Itoh R (2003) Conservative and innovative systems of chloroplast division. Rec Res Dev Plant Mol Biol 1: 113-125
伊藤 竜一 (2005) 「細胞小器官」,「真核細胞の起源・進化」,「真核細胞」,「モデル生物」,「葉緑体」の5項目,8ページを担当.石川 統,黒岩 常祥,永田 和宏(編)細胞生物学事典.朝倉書店,東京
Fujiwara MT, Hashimoto H, Yoshida S, Itoh RD, Niwa Y, Sato N (2006) Structures and morphologies of plant plastids. In: Fujiwara M, Sato N, Ishiura S (eds) Frontiers in Life Sciences, pp. 91-109. Research Signpost, Kerala, India
伊藤 竜一,Khurshida HK,徳田 岳,山崎 秀雄 (2006) 緑の植物に通う赤いタンパク―ヘモグロビンの謎.琉球大学21世紀COEプログラム編集委員会(編)美ら島の自然史―サンゴ礁島嶼系の生物多様性,pp. 211-224.東海大学出版会,東京
高野 博嘉,伊藤 竜一 (2008) 第3章 植物細胞.黒岩 常祥,三角 修己,高野 博嘉,伊藤 竜一,松永 幸大(著)細胞 ―基礎分子生物学シリーズ 第3巻―,pp. 63-123.朝倉書店,東京
Fujiwara MT, Itoh RD, Yoshioka Y (2008) A revised model for the nuclear control of plastid division. In: Fujiwara M, Tanaka K, Takahashi H (eds) Adaptive Gene Regulations - From Microorganisms to Organelles, pp. 59-74. Research Signpost, Kerala, India
Itoh RD (2008) Mitochondrial morphology and dynamics in higher plants: beyond the prokaryotic and yeast machineries. In: Fujiwara M, Tanaka K, Takahashi H (eds) Adaptive Gene Regulations - From Microorganisms to Organelles, pp. 75-94. Research Signpost, Kerala, India
Yamasaki H, Itoh RD, Bouchard JN, Dghim AA, Hossain KK, Gurung S, Cohen MF (2010) Nitric oxide synthase-like activities in plants. In: Foyer CH, Zhang H (eds) Annual Plant Reviews Volume 42: Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post-Genomic Era, pp. 103-125. Blackwell Publishing Ltd
伊藤 竜一 (2013) 葉緑体の知られざる生活.琉球大学(編)知の源泉 ― やわらかい南の学と思想5,pp. 272-287.沖縄タイムス社,那覇
Itoh RD (2023) Tubular extensions of plant organelles and their implications on retrograde signaling. J Biol Res (Italy) 96: 11724. doi: 10.4081/jbr.2023.11724
藤原 誠,伊藤 竜一 (2024) シロイヌナズナの珠皮におけるアミロプラストの増殖解析.アグリバイオ 8: 63–69 NEW
伊藤 竜一,藤原 誠 (2024) ストロミュール:色素体から伸長する管状構造 –再発見から機能と形成機構の解明へ–.化学と生物 62: 570–578. doi: 10.1271/kagakutoseibutsu.62.570 NEW
Yamasaki H, Itoh RD, Mizumoto KB, Yoshida YS, Otaki JM, Cohen MF (2025) Spatiotemporal characteristics determining the multifaceted nature of reactive oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur species in relation to proton homeostasis. Antioxid Redox Signal 42: 421–441. doi: 10.1089/ars.2023.0544 NEW